the adventure continues

December 2008: Graduated from university January 2009: started getting sick December 2009: worked on beating cancer January 2010: TBA

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Location: Seattle, WA, United States

newly minted alumnus of the Art Department at the University of Idaho; BFA in studio art, with a history minor



Cobbles form a courtyard, cannon in the wall.
Caltrop, rifle shot, grenade and naught at all.
Tile in the turf under rock and under worm.
Pot sherds without worth, and key without lock to turn.
Searching through mud, hauling off the Earth.
Hunting for artifacts; all we find is dirt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, sir, the verissimilitude of your verse, the potency of thought, the vigor and the vitality of line.... cute rhytme. I like it.


4:41 PM  

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